Izdelki za ribogojnica z gage (8)

Stropna požarna vrata EI 60 - požarna past

Stropna požarna vrata EI 60 - požarna past

Frame made of aluminium profile bars connected by "Tox" connections - All-round EPDM lip seal - Restraint security - Hidden latches - Screwed GKF gypsum plasterboard Tested for fire resistance from underneath (room side) NF EN 1634-1: +A1: 2018EN 1634-1: +A1: 2018 Fire dampers EI 60 are designed to be installed in false ceilings for self-contained fire protection, one of the requirements being "combustible load only on the room side" and the fire resistance class being EI 60. They provide effective protection against the progression of fire from the room into the false ceiling area. The integrated aluminium frame is equipped with a fire stop. The cover of the inspection hatch is fitted with a DF fire protection plate and protected against smoke entry by a versatile all-round seal. The cover is secured on both sides by automatic safety hooking arms.
Dentex Dentex

Dentex Dentex

Dentex Dentex
Ribič - Slika plošča

Ribič - Slika plošča

Plaque funéraire minérale (Pierre) à image sur pieds Procédé d'inclusion d'image dans la pierre (stratographie®) Thème «Pécheur» 2 Textes à personnaliser 14 x 2,2 cm Matière Charge Minérale recomposée (Poudre de granit) Dim Hauteur 25 cm x Longueur 35 cm. Poids 3 Kgs Pieds Alu Plaque livrée entièrement montée Référence:SLC 25188


NEO BIO 20 EP - 1000L NEO BIO 20 EP - 208L NEO BIO 20 EP - 20L
Fy-2 Zvočni Detektor Radioaktivnosti Geigerjev Števec Dozimeter Številčenje Odkritje - GEIGERJEV ŠTEVEC

Fy-2 Zvočni Detektor Radioaktivnosti Geigerjev Števec Dozimeter Številčenje Odkritje - GEIGERJEV ŠTEVEC

Ce compteur Geiger détecte les particules Bêta et les rayonnements X et Gamma, appelés rayonnements ionisants, avec une très grande sensibilité. Il compte les particules Bêta* et les ionisations créées par les rayonnements X et Gamma pour indiquer la 'quantité d'énergie' transmise à la matière par unité de temps. L'unité affichée est le micro Rem par heure (microRem/h) ou en micro sievert par heure (microSv/h). Elle correspond à un équivalent de dose reçue par le corps humain pendant une heure, ou 'débit de dose'. Rappels sur la radio-activité : La matière est formée d'atomes. Chaque atome comprend un noyau composé de protons et de neutrons. Le noyau est entouré d'électrons qui gravitent autour comme des satellites. Les matériaux radioactifs émettent spontanément des rayonnements Gamma ou X et/ou des particules Bêta ou parfois Alpha. Les particules Bêta sont des électrons. Du fait de leur charge, ils réagissent fortement avec la matière. REF:DRPS
Igrača za Ribolov z Račkami

Igrača za Ribolov z Račkami

Amis forains, voici le cadeau stand pêche aux canards par excellence ! Vos clients pourront ainsi continuer la magie des fêtes foraines à domicile grâce à Sandy, grossiste jouet forain
Stropna požarna vrata 120 MN - požarna past

Stropna požarna vrata 120 MN - požarna past

Frame made of aluminium profile bars connected by "Tox" connections - All-round EPDM lip seal - Restraint security - Hidden latches - Screwed GKF gypsum plasterboards Tested for fire resistance from underneath (room side) NF EN 1634-1: +A1: 2018 Fire dampers EI 120 are designed to be installed in false ceilings for self-contained fire protection, one of the requirements being "combustible load only on the room side" and the fire resistance class being EI 120. They provide effective protection against the progression of fire from the room into the false ceiling area. The integrated aluminium frame is equipped with a fire stop. The cover of the inspection hatch is fitted with a DF fire protection plate and protected against smoke entry by a versatile all-round seal. The cover is secured on both sides by automatic safety hooking arms.
Stropna požarna vrata 60 MIN - požarna vrata

Stropna požarna vrata 60 MIN - požarna vrata

Frame made of aluminium profile bars connected by "Tox" connections - Intumescent gas, smoke and flame tight seal in case of fire - Restraint security - Hidden latches - Screwed GKF gypsum plasterboards - Quick and easy installation The 60-minute ceiling fire dampers are designed for installation in false ceilings for self-contained fire protection, one of the requirements being "combustible load only on the room side" and the fire resistance class being EI 60. They provide effective protection against fire progression from the room into the false ceiling area. The integrated aluminium frame is equipped with a fire stop. The cover of the inspection hatch is fitted with a DF fire protection plate and protected against smoke entry by a versatile all-round seal. The cover is secured on both sides by automatic safety hooking arms. The safety catching arms ensure that the lid is intercepted every time the hatch is opened. The lid is easy to remove and replace.